Property investment

Where to invest – this is the most commonly asked question when considering property investment and we believe that the following should be considered.

Mortgage services

Whether you are considering a refinancing strategy, assessing investment property options or intending to purchase a home, VPF Home Loans provides comprehensive mortgage solutions


Retirement planning involves organising your assets and savings into plan that will meet your goals for retirement. Taking into account your needs, time-frame and goals

Latest News

What insurance do you need when buying a house?

When getting ready to buy property, there are many things to keep track of as…

How to shift into pension mode

When and how you can access your super to start an account-based pension. If our…

Consolidating super funds

Consolidating your super means moving all your super into one account. It makes your super…

Budget. Save. Grow.

When you’re planning to buy a home, the first step is to make sure you…